SEO Cheatsheet

Sourced from Paul Copplestone’s amazing knowledge website


  • Authority: how well a site ranks for certain keywords. Certain domain names automatically have high authority (for example, .gov)

Technical SEO

Make sure the following headers are present on each page

<title>Keep under 70 characters</title>
<meta name="description" content="~300 characters">
<!-- Open graph -->
<meta name="og:title" property="og:title" content="">
<meta name="og:type" property="og:type" content=""> <!-- -->
<meta name="og:description" property="og:description" content="">
<meta name="og:image" property="og:image" content="">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<link href="URL" rel="canonical">


  • Get as many backlinks as possible from external sites. The higher their authority, the better the link.
  • Add (lite) images/graphs with captions


  • Copy/paste content from other areas of the web, or your own website


  1. Find all keywords on your site by typing into google: “[keyword]”
  2. Open each page that has the keyword
  3. Link that keyword to the main article on your site for that keyword

Example content outline

Keyword: technical seo
LSI keywords:
- [XXX]
Word Count: [XXX]
Article Title: [XXX]
SEO Optimization Checklist:
- [ ] Keyword density is at 0.5 - 2%
- [ ] Each LSI keyword mentioned 1 - 2 times
- [ ] When possible, LSI keyword used as header
- [ ] 2 - 5+ outbound links
- [ ] 5 - 15+ relevant internal links (as many as needed)
- [ ] Keyword mentioned in the meta description
- [ ] Keyword mentioned in the title
- [ ] Keyword mentioned in H2 heading
- [ ] Page title between 35 to 65 characters
- [ ] URL slug is brief and contains the keyword
- [ ] You’ve never written on this keyword before
Content Outline:
## Introduction (0 - 100 words)
Lede - why
## What
## How
Know that you know why, we're going to teach you everything you need to know about [XXX]
    ### How 1
    ### How 2
## Complete summary
[XXX] - graphic
## Conclusion